Friction on Ice: How Temperature, Pressure, and Speed Control the Slipperiness of Ice Article
Phys. Rev. X, 11(1), 011025: 1-13.R.W. Liefferink (Rinse), F.-C. Hsia (Feng-Chun), B. Weber (Bart) and D. Bonn (Daniel)
February 2021 -
Comparison of round- and square-core fibers for sensing, imaging, and spectroscopy Article
Opt. Express, 29(5), 6523-6531.M.C. Velsink (Matthias), Z. Lyu (Zhouping), P.W.H. Pinkse (Pepijn) and L.V. Amitonova (Lyubov)
February 2021 -
Laser-impact-induced splashing: an analysis of the splash crown evolution after Nd:YAG ns-pulse laser impact on a liquid tin pool Article
Appl. Phys. B- Lasers O, 127(3), 44: 1-6.J. Hermens (Jaap), H. Gelderblom (Hanneke), B. Liu (Bo), J. Duffhues, P. Rindt and O.O. Versolato (Oscar)
February 2021 -
Double moiré localized plasmon structured illumination microscopy Article
Nanophotonics, 10(3), 1107-1121.March 2021 -
High-power OPCPAs at 1450–2400 nm wavelength In Proceedings
J.H. Buss (Jan Heye), I. Grguras (Ivanka), S. Starosielec (Sebastian), M.V. Petev (Mihail), T. Golz (Torsten), M. Schulz (Michael), M.J. Prandolini (Mark), P.M. Kraus (Peter), F. Campi (Filippo) and R. Riedel (Robert)
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March 2021
Ptychographic optical coherence tomography Article
Opt. Lett., 46(6), 1337-1340.M. Du (Mengqi), L. Loetgering (Lars), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
March 2021 -
Spectral characterization of solid-state laser-driven plasma sources of EUV light Dissertation
Ion InteractionsMarch 2021