The molecular structure of the surface of water–ethanol mixtures Article
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11568-11578.J. Kirschner (Johannes), A.H.A. Gomes (Anderson), R.R.T. Marinho (Ricardo), O. Björneholm (Olle), H. Ågren (Hans), V. Carravetta (Vincenzo), N. Ottosson (Niklas), A.N. de Brito (Arnaldo Naves) and H.J. Bakker (Huib)
May 2021 -
Structural effects of meso-halogenation on porphyrins Article
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1149-1170.K.J. Flanagan (Keith), M. Paradiz Dominguez (Maximilian), Z. Melissari (Zoi), H.-G. Eckhardt (Hans-Georg), R.M. Williams (René), D. Gibbons (Dáire), C. Prior (Caroline), G.M. Locke (Gemma), A. Meindl (Alina), A.A. Ryan (Aoife), et al. M.O. Senge (Mathias)
May 2021 -
Surface-Mounted Metal-Organic Frameworks for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Exploration of New Nanopatterning Processes Dissertation
Nanophotochemistry-Former GroupJune 2021 -
Computational Depth-resolved Imaging and Metrology Dissertation
EUV Generation & ImagingJune 2021 -
June 2021
Fast and robust diffraction based overlay metrology using dark-field digital holographic microscopy In Proceedings
T.T.M. van Schaijk (Theodorus), C. Messinis (Christos), N. Pandey (Nitesh), V.T. Tenner (Vasco), A. Koolen (Armand), S. Witte (Stefan), J.F. de Boer (Johannes) and A.J. den Boef (Arie)
June 2021 -
Towards Multimode-fiber-based Two-photon Endoscopy In Proceedings
M.C. Velsink (Matthias), L.V. Amitonova (Lyubov) and P.W.H. Pinkse (Pepijn)
June 2021 -
Towards High-Order Harmonic Generation in Laser Produced Plasmas In Proceedings
J. Mathijssen (Jan), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
June 2021