UV and VUV-induced fragmentation of tin-oxo cage ions Article
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23(37), 20909-20918.J. Haitjema (Jarich), L. Wu (Lianjia), A. Giuliani (Alexandre), L. Nahon (Laurent), S. Castellanos Ortega (Sonia) and A.M. Brouwer (Albert)
September 2021 -
Ultrafast laser-induced strain waves in thin ruthenium layers Article
Opt. Express, 29(20), 32051-32067.G. de Haan (Guido), T.J. van den Hooven (Thomas) and P.C.M. Planken (Paul)
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September 2021
Sub-Nyquist label-free fiber-based ghost imaging In Proceedings
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TI-REX: A Tunable Infrared laser for Experiments in nanolithography In Proceedings
Z. Mazzotta (Zeudi), J. Mathijssen (Jan), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld), O.O. Versolato (Oscar) and S. Witte (Stefan)
September 2021 -
Tailoring spatial entropy in extreme ultraviolet focused beams for multispectral ptychography In Proceedings
X. Liu (Xiaomeng), L. Loetgering (Lars), A.C.C. de Beurs (Anne), M. Du (Mengqi), P. Konold (Patrick), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
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Superiority of a Square-core Multimode Fiber for Imaging and Spectroscopy In Proceedings
Z. Lyu (Zhouping), M.C. Velsink (Matthias), P.W.H. Pinkse (Pepijn) and L.V. Amitonova (Lyubov)
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Tailored Laser-Droplet Interaction. For Target Formation in Extreme Ultraviolet Sources Dissertation
EUV Generation & ImagingOctober 2021