Fluorescence microscopy visualization of the roughness-induced transition between lubrication regimes Article
Sci. Adv., 5(12), eaaw4761: 1-9.D. Petrova (Dina), B. Weber (Bart), C. Allain (Cleménce), P. Audebert (Pierre), C.H. Venner (Cees), A.M. Brouwer (Albert) and D. Bonn (Daniel)
December 2019 -
Spectroscopy of highly-charged Sn ions for extreme ultraviolet nanolithography Dissertation
Ion InteractionsDecember 2019 -
Solid-State-Laser-Produced Microdroplet-Tin Plasma Sources of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation In Proceedings
L. Behnke (Lars), R. Schupp (Ruben), Z. Bouza (Zoi), J. Scheers (Joris), J. Sheil (John), R. Hoekstra (Ronnie), W.M.G. Ubachs (Wim) and O.O. Versolato (Oscar)
January 2020 -
Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier Producing Ultrashort 10.5 mJ Pulses at 1.55 µm In Proceedings
J. Mathijssen (Jan), T. de Faria Pinto (Tiago), A. Schulte (Amelie), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
January 2020 -
Imaging Applications of Time-Domain Wavefront Shaping In Proceedings
M.C. Velsink (Matthias), L.V. Amitonova (Lyubov) and P.W.H. Pinkse (Pepijn)
January 2020 -
Controlling the temporal shape of a high-power nanosecond 1064 nm laser pulse to explore EUV generation and different droplet deformation regimes In Proceedings
Z. Mazzotta (Zeudi), R.A. Meijer (Randy Anthonius), D. Kurilovich (Dmitry), R. Schupp (Ruben), O.O. Versolato (Oscar), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
January 2020 -
Unraveling Phononic, Optoacoustic, and Mechanical Properties of Metals with Light-Driven Hypersound Article
Phys. Rev. Appl., 13(1), 014010: 1-14.H. Zhang (Hao), A. Antoncecchi (Alessandro), S. Edward (Stephen), I. Setija (Irwan), P.C.M. Planken (Paul) and S. Witte (Stefan)
January 2020 -
Wavelength-resolved Extreme Ultraviolet Lensless Imaging and Metrology Dissertation
EUV Generation & ImagingJanuary 2020