Mass loss from a stretching semitransparent sheet of liquid tin Article
Phys. Rev. Appl., 13(2), 024035: 1-10.B. Liu (Bo), D. Kurilovich (Dmitry), H. Gelderblom (Hanneke) and O.O. Versolato (Oscar)
February 2020 -
Generation and characterization of focused helical x-ray beams Article
Sci. Adv., 6(7), eaax8836: 1-6.L. Loetgering (Lars), M. Baluktsian (Margarita), K. Keskinbora (Kahraman), R. Horstmeyer (Roarke), T. Wilhein (Thomas), G. Schütz (Gisela), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
February 2020 -
Quantum key establishment via a multimode fiber Article
Optics Express, 28(5), 5965-5981.L.V. Amitonova (Lyubov), T.B.H. Tentrup (Tristan), I.M. Vellekoop (Ivo) and P.W.H. Pinkse (Pepijn)
February 2020 -
Adsorbate-induced structural evolution changes the mechanism of CO oxidation on a Rh/Fe3O4(001) model catalyst Article
Nanoscale, 12(10), 5866-5875.Z. Jakub (Zdenek), J. Hulva (Jan), P.T.P. Ryan (Paul), D.A. Duncan (David), D.J. Payne (David), R. Bliem (Roland), M. Ulreich (Manuel), P. Hofegger (Patrick), F. Kraushofer (Florian), M. Meier (Matthias), et al. M. Schmid (Michael), U. Diebold (Ulrike) and G.S. Parkinson (Gareth)
February 2020 -
On the Origin of Frictional Energy Dissipation Article
Tribol. Lett., 68(1), 8: 1-13.R. Hu (Renfeng), S.Yu. Krylov (Sergey) and J.W.M. Frenken (Joost)
March 2020 -
Fourier ptychography: current applications and future promises Article
Opt. Express, 28(7), 9603-9630.P.C. Konda (Pavan Chandra), L. Loetgering (Lars), K.C. Zhou (Kevin), S. Xu (Shiqi), A.R. Harvey (Andrew) and R. Horstmeyer (Roarke)
March 2020 -
Effect of rubidium incorporation on the optical properties and intermixing in Mo/Si multilayer mirrors for EUV lithography applications Article
Appl. Surf. Sci., 144951: 1-10.M. Saedi (Mehdi), C. Sfiligoj (Cristina), J. Verhoeven (Jan) and J.W.M. Frenken (Joost)
March 2020 -
zPIE: an autofocusing algorithm for ptychography Article
Opt. Lett., 45(7), 2030-2033.L. Loetgering (Lars), M. Du (Mengqi), K.S.E. Eikema (Kjeld) and S. Witte (Stefan)
March 2020