Efficient table-top dual-wavelength beamline for ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy in the soft X-ray region Article
Sci. Rep, 10(1), 5733: 1-9.L. Barreau (Lou), A.D. Ross (Andrew), S. Garg (Samay), P.M. Kraus (Peter), D.M. Neumark (Daniel) and S.R. Leone (Stephen)
April 2020 -
Femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe measurements on percolating gold in the ablation regime Article
Opt. Express, 28(8), 12093-12107.G. de Haan (Guido), J. Hernandez-Rueda (Javier) and P.C.M. Planken (Paul)
April 2020 -
Impact of coherence length on the field of view in dark-field holographic microscopy for semiconductor metrology: theoretical and experimental comparisons Article
Appl. Opt., 59(11), 3498-3507.C. Messinis (Christos), V.T. Tenner (Vasco), J.F. de Boer (Johannes), S. Witte (Stefan) and A.J. den Boef (Arie)
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Universal Direct Pattering of Colloidal Quantum Dots by (Extreme) Ultraviolet and Electron Beam Lithography Article
Nanoscale, 12(20), 11306-11316.C.D. Dieleman (Christian), Weiyi Ding (W.), L. Wu (Lianjia), N. Thakur (Neha), I. Bespalov (Ivan), B. Daiber (Benjamin), Y. Ekinci (Yasin), S. Castellanos Ortega (Sonia) and B. Ehrler (Bruno)
April 2020 -
Drop fragmentation by laser-pulse impact Article
J. Fluid Mech., A7: 1-37.A.L. Klein (Alexander), D. Kurilovich (Dmitry), H. Lhuissier (Henri), O.O. Versolato (Oscar), D. Lohse (Detlef), E. Villermaux (Emmanuel) and H. Gelderblom (Hanneke)
April 2020 -
Endo-microscopy beyond the Abbe and Nyquist limits Article
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Phase retrieval algorithms for lensless imaging using diffractive shearing interferometry Article
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 37(6), 914-924.S. Konijnenberg (Sander), A.C.C. de Beurs (Anne), G.S.M. Jansen (Matthijs), H.P. Urbach, S. Witte (Stefan) and W. Coene (Wim)
May 2020 -
Prominent radiative contributions from multiply-excited states in laser-produced tin plasma for nanolithography Article
Nature Commun., 11(1), 2334: 1-8.F. Torretti (Francesco), J. Sheil (John), R. Schupp (Ruben), M.M. Basko (Mikhail), M. Bayraktar (Muharrem), R.A. Meijer (Randy Anthonius), S. Witte (Stefan), W.M.G. Ubachs (Wim), R. Hoekstra (Ronnie), O.O. Versolato (Oscar), et al. A.J. Neukirch (Amanda) and J. Colgan (James)
May 2020